Author: Alex Lipinski

When Does Workview Work Best?

When Does WorkView Work Best?

When Does Workview Work Best? So you’ve picked-up OnBase and put it to work collecting data and content from common or everyday sources, converging it into a single repository for your automated workflow needs. Well done! But while you’ve been utilizing OnBase for its strengths as a content services platform

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What is a CoE?

Buzzword Buster: What is a CoE?

Buzzword Buster: What is a CoE? The technology industry loves acronyms. OCR, RPA, ECM, BPO… we could go on and on. But, while most of the time it’s all pretty industry-standard stuff, once in a while, a buzzword comes along with a confusing number of possible variations and meanings. This

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Invoice Processing BPO

Invoice Processing: How Does a Hybrid Approach Benefit YOU

Invoice Processing: How Does a Hybrid Approach Benefit YOU Proper invoice processing is a vital function of enterprise success. Whether you’re receiving tens of invoices, hundreds, or thousands, the ability to quickly and accurately process invoice data improves back-office efficiency and protects your bottom line from slow approvals or entirely

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Outsourcing is a bit of a buzzword. But what does KeyMark mean by BPO?

Buzzwords Buster: What We Mean by Outsourcing

You’ve Been Outsourced What does the term “Outsourced” mean to you? For many, outsourcing can have a pretty negative connotation — and not without reason. According to recent statistics by Fortunly, over 300,000 U.S. jobs are displaced overseas annually due to outsourcing. Throw in a pandemic and some recent economic

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Insights 2022

Three Big Takeaways from Insights 2022

The Three Big Takeaways from Insights 2022 KeyMark’s annual Insights conferences are chock-full of insights into the yearly landscape of the automation industry — and this year’s conference was certainly no exception. Insights 2022 brought together business leaders, software developers, subject matter experts, and hungry innovators for three days of

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Laying the Groundwork of the Metaverse

Laying the Groundwork of the Metaverse The Metaverse is one of the latest buzzwords to hit the mainstream. Every tech blog and news channel has an article explaining what the Metaverse was, is, or will be. So in the interest of time, here’s what you need to know: The Metaverse

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4 Reasons to Switch from Perspective to OnBase

Hyland’s acquisition of Perceptive Software means that Hyland now owns and supports Perceptive’s suite of products. The Perceptive suite helps businesses with content and process management solutions, focusing on capture, connection, and automation. As organizations with Perceptive continue to migrate to Hyland services, now is a great time to consider

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Automation in Logistics

Logistics, Automation, and the Road Ahead

Charting a New Course with Automation The Logistics Industry has experienced significant setbacks in recent years — and while the COVID-19 pandemic added significant bottlenecks like tightened protocols and an unstable economy of raw resources — several of the industry’s biggest problems and inefficiencies go beyond what was introduced post-2019.

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Automation vs. The Big Quit

Automation vs. The Big Quit: The Start of a New Workforce

In a recent 60 Minutes segment, CBS reporters revealed an unnerving trend: American workers are quitting their jobs at an explosive rate. In fact, the U.S. is facing its highest occupational quit rate since those statistics started being tracked in the year 2000. In the second half of 2021 alone,

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4 Automation Trends for 2022

4 Automation Terms You’ll be Hearing in 2022

4 Automation Terms You’ll be Hearing in 2022 Last year brought the continued rapid growth of technologies like Robotic Process Automation and collaborative Cloud capabilities. But with 2021 well under our belts and a new year ahead, it’s time to start talking about the automation buzzwords that you’ll likely be

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Low Code: A Christmas Miracle

Be home in time for the holidays with Low Code RPA. What if you could solve your mundane work-related problems with a bit of mind mapping and a few left mouse clicks? What if you didn’t have to run every automation request through the IT department — clogging up their pipeline and

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