Recipe for Success: KeyMark Versus Other Resellers

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Why Partner with KeyMark: A Blog Series


  • Why partner with KeyMark over other resellers? 
  • Why partner with any reseller, for that matter? 
  • Why partner with KeyMark over building a custom solution?
This blog series will address these important questions and more, providing evidence and resources along the way to help you select the best framework for your digital transformation journey.
We value our peers and respect our competition, as such this series won’t spend any time talking about the Why NOT of any alternative or competing options — but rather, it will focus exclusively on the added benefits of a You + KeyMark relationship.

Issue #2: KeyMark or Building Solutions In-House 

The Case for Building In-House:

The most significant requirement for building an in-house is an experienced and capable IT team. A close second is clearly defined automation goals and a strategy. We recommend setting up a center of excellence consisting of specialized positions to communicate automation needs and set objections (more on building a CoE here).

With everything in place, building a custom solution comes with three benefits that we’ll conveniently call the three C’s of solution building. They are as follows:


Building a solution in-house could cost you less in initial investments, provided your IT team is up to the challenge.


You retain complete control over your data and security measures by keeping everything in-house. That’s especially appealing for companies operating in highly regulated industries or dealing with sensitive customer information.


Building an in-house solution comes with the benefit of complete customizability over the design and functionality of a solution.

Our KeyMark business is made of FOUR Key-Ingredients — and it’s no secret recipe.

1.) Expertise

We pride ourselves in being technological gurus for intelligent automation software. As such, we keep ourselves up-to-date on the latest and greatest industry information and updates. Our staff is fortified with over 30 certified members, 103 total certifications, and many more people involved behind the scenes consistently moving the needle for our customers and their business objectives. These efforts are recognized in decades of awards in the highest echelon of partner programs — setting us apart from those thousands of other partners. 

Read about our latest achievement, Hyland Commercial Partner of the Year.

2.) Experience

KeyMark’s been in the game for a long time — over 25 years, in fact. We’ve seen automation technology grow and change over time (we knew AI before it was cool), and have helped our customers navigate those changes and plan for the future. Just this past year, KeyMark completed well over 30 thousand project hours, from over 200 distinct projects — marking an all-time record of 2,178 customer projects (and counting).

Download our Experience By the Numbers eBook to learn all about our experience + expertise.

KeyMark by the Numbers

3.) An Evolved Tech Stack

In addition to there being a lot of automation partners, there are also a lot of automation solutions to choose from. Discerning excellence among them can be challenging. It’s through a combination of expertise and experience that KeyMark has secured strategic alliances with industry titans recognized globally as the best-in-class, including UiPath, Hyland, and Blue Prism, to name a few. With solutions for every stage of digital transformation, we help organizations of all sizes and vertices to seamlessly embark on automation endeavors.

4.) A Partner’s Mindset

A KeyMark partnership is YOU-centric. We are committed to YOUR long-term goals, YOUR success, and in understanding YOUR pain points. That means sticking around long after the implementation of a solution to support your needs with training, support, and a partnership to last a lifetime. It’s a simple concept that resonates well with our customers, shown clearly by our our record-high NPS score. If that sound like a type of partnership you’d be interested in — see what more a You + KeyMark ship has on offer by checking out our support, implementation, and services pages. 

What are the NPS scores of your favorite or least favorite brand?

Putting it All Together

Like we said, the recipe for your automation success is no secret. By piecing together the four simple ingredients of a great partner/reseller, you’ll discover winning solutions backed by professionals that understand them all centered on the most important person in the room… you.

Stay tuned for our third and final blog in this series — KeyMark vs. Flying Solo.

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