COVID-19: Healthcare Automation Software

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Coronavirus Process Automation Software

Our hearts go out to everyone who is dealing with the effects of the spread of COVID-19, the coronavirus. We, at KeyMark, have put our heads together and found 3 ways that we can immediately help both our OnBase customers and healthcare professionals nationwide. Here they are:

Virtual Examinations

The timing couldn’t be better for virtual collaboration. Vice President Mike Pence announced that Thermo Fisher will be producing millions of coronavirus diagnostic tests, to be administered by LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics. There are plenty of ways that automation software can help those responding to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Our virtual collaboration solution allows that testing to be administered remotely, over video if preferred, recorded and attached to a patient’s record. It is quick to implement and can be branded for the provider administering the test.

  • Time to Implement: 2-3 Days*

*Estimate depending on factors like time to do paperwork.

Process People Through Your Healthcare System, Faster

If your healthcare facility uses Epic or Cerner, we can use a diagnostic tool to identify all your process roadblocks, as you deal with COVID-19. This constructive feedback will show you changes that need to be made, quickly, so you can get more patients through your organization. Our automation software diagnoses transactional log data from Epic and can help you to quickly identify bottlenecks so you can push patients through, more efficiently.

  • Time to Implement: Once installed and running, we can give you results within 24 hours.

Illness Self-Reporting Tool for OnBase Customers with WorkView

For KeyMark’s existing OnBase WorkView customers, Hyland has written a drop-in employee self-reporting feature and it is very simple. Whether for COVID-19, or for everyday illness, this feature is simple yet effective. We can implement, or your senior-level OnBase administrator might be able to install it for you. You can view that demo here.

  • Time to Implement: 1-2 Weeks

Take the Next Step

We can help you decide pretty quickly whether this would be a good fit for your organization. With 20+ years of experience in automation, we just need about 5 minutes of Q&A. 

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