OnBase Document and Folder Maintenance

2 minute read

OnBase Support: Document & Folder Maintenance

As an OnBase system administrator, you are probably familiar with Document Maintenance. With projects and deadlines, the routine tasks that ensure proper document maintenance can easily fall through the cracks, but these OnBase maintenance best practices are crucial to keeping your system working effectively and efficiently.

In the OnBase client, click Admin>>Utilities>>Document Maintenance to begin.

Document Maintenance is very much like your Recycle Bin in Windows because any documents deleted in OnBase can be found in document maintenance. These documents can be further purged or undeleted, sorted by clicking on the column headers, and viewed by simply by double clicking the document. If you choose to undelete an item, the document will be put back in the system with all the attributes it originally contained before it was deleted, and if you choose to further delete the item, it will be gone forever.

Folder Maintenance is similar to document maintenance in that it is important to go into your folders every so often to get rid of outdated or empty folders or retrieve folders that were accidentally deleted. Folder maintenance can be found right next to the document maintenance option under Admin>>Utilities>>Folder Maintenance.

Going through your documents and folders to clean out the unwanted, further delete outdated items, and recover items unintentionally deleted is part of a care routine for your OnBase system. Deleting excess documents and folders will free up space in your client, allowing for better organization of new documents. Do yourself a favor and make it a habit to go through your document and folder maintenance program. You’ll be glad you did.

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