Self-Service Kiosk Streamlines Constituent Access

4 minute read

You know the feeling of waiting in line – on line, queued up, waiting, waiting – when all you need to do is drop off a document. Maybe you just need to submit a change of address form or check on the status of a case.

If you hate lines, how do you think your constituents feel? A self-service kiosk with KeyMark’s Forms InMotion software can augment your front-line counter staff by taking the burden of simple paper-based or transactional tasks, so they can focus on more complex issues. Not only will it save you time, it will save your constituents time as well, ultimately turning a frustrating and dreadful interaction into a delightful customer experience.

We’ve identified six opportunities for government agencies and offices to streamline their constituent experience:

1. Dropping off a Document

government-kiosk-softwareThere are many situations that require your constituents to turn in documents. You may have a utility reimbursement program, or a tax break for occupying your home. They may need to report a birth or death. Many of these situations require nothing more than the document in question, and the person to identify themselves. The Forms InMotion kiosk is an easy-to-use document drop-off location. With built-in document scanning functionality, the constituent can quickly identify themselves at the kiosk, then drop the document in the tray. The document is scanned, and returned to the constituent. The submitted information and documents are pushed to your back-end systems for processing. The kiosk then prints a receipt for the constituent with information about the submission for their records.

2. Submitting Changes to Personal or Household Information

Simple forms can also be utilized by your constituents on the Forms InMotion kiosk. For social services, you are often required to notify the government with changes to your household occupants, income, or address. All of the required information can be quickly and easily gathered by the kiosk, and pushed to your back-end systems for processing. Your kiosk can also be used to look up existing information from those back-end systems, so a constituent can see their case information and status without having to interact with your counter staff.

3. Access Outside Your Physical Location

The Forms InMotion kiosk hardware and software have been designed for use outside your physical location. You could put a kiosk in a library or other government building, allowing more places for your constituents to submit documents or case updates.

4. Keep Your Forms Up to Date with Centralized Form Administration

The Forms InMotion administration utility allows you to push updates and new forms to any of your kiosks. This ensures that your forms are always up to date for your constituents. This also allows you to easily offer new services through the kiosk.

5. Access Forms through Your Website or Smartphone

Forms InMotion is not only for kiosks. You can enable your constituents to access the same forms on their computer or smartphone, and data is submitted instantly to your back end systems for processing. Not all of your constituents have access to the internet, but the ones that do will appreciate being able to get information to you without having to make their way to your office.

6. Integration with Your Other Business Systems

You are likely utilizing many different systems in your organization for document management, ERP, HR and other functions. Forms InMotion can be configured to interface with these systems to retrieve information or push updates in real time. This gives your constituents an easy-to-use interface, and your employees can utilize familiar back-end processes to work through their cases.

How can a forms management software help us with a kiosk experience?

Forms InMotion simplifies enterprise form management by centralizing all of your forms in a single place, making them accessible on any device, at any time, while connecting them with your most important data sources. Your users will love its simplicity and ease-of-use, and you’ll love its efficiency-enhancing features like using your existing html and pdf forms, electronic signatures, form-to-form autofill and file attachments. Forms InMotion securely connects to your other business systems to retrieve and update information, with an intuitive user interface. the Forms InMotion kiosk enhances the software features by integrating hardware such as document scanners, credit card readers, check scanners and receipt printers in a secure package. Forms can be designed specifically for touchscreen interactions, making it easy for your constituents to get updated information to you.

Key Features of the Forms InMotion Kiosk

  • Custom-designed, touchscreen forms
  • Wired or wireless networking
  • Printing, scanning, and uploading
  • Centralized form administration
  • Confirmation receipts 
  • Securely connected to your data sources
  • Rugged construction for unattended public access

Ready to Learn More About Kiosks?

KeyMark elevates efficiency for agencies of all sizes. Call 1-866-494-0500 or visit to schedule your kiosk demo today.

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