Horizons Conference Costs Nothing

4 minute read

290x242-jim-wannerIf you’re like me, setting priorities and managing your time is a critical success factor for your organization. As an executive, manager and leader, my team needs me to be available, engaged and have a discerning perspective on the issues that drive our organization every day.

For the very reasons that our teams lean on us, I think it’s also critical that executives surround themselves with people and partners that they can lean on when they need that same discerning perspective.

KeyMark’s Horizons Conference has become that place for executives and leaders looking to grasp what teams and tools may be available to help them better navigate the ever-changing complexities of technology, business processes, compliance and regulations. 

Here are 9 reasons why I believe Horizons is well worth your time:

  1. Your Time Is Valuable. Very valuable. For this reason, we created an agenda of ten, 30-minute sessions that are jam-packed with actionable information delivered from customer case studies and the executive teams of two Gartner Magic Quadrant Leaders, Kofax and OnBase (Hyland).
  1. Increasing Compliance and Regulation Demands. By the time you leave, you will understand how technology is being leveraged to better manage the increasing demands of compliance and government regulations and how strategic organizations are decreasing the burdens of potential fines and penalties with Enterprise Content Management (ECM).
  1. Understanding the Ease of Integrations.  You’ve invested millions in the core systems that drive your business. Although these systems are built to last, they are probably not ready to respond quickly to today’s rapidly evolving business environment. With today’s ECM technologies, you can let your core systems remain core and leverage ECM to simplify integrations across disparate systems, ultimately improving your organization’s performance by increasing the accuracy and availability of data that you need to make better decisions.
  1. The Case for Dynamic Case Management. Have you already taken steps with case management solutions without realizing it? Are you using Excel files, Sharepoint, Lotus Notes or other legacy solutions to consolidate, model and report on data? Does your IT department spend months, and even years, building and maintaining custom applications that fill the gaps within your core systems? Then you are leveraging case management already. Now it’s time to understand the value and extensibility of dynamic case management platforms that provide rapid application development for custom configuration without all of the custom code.
  1. The Power of Business Process Analytics for Process Improvement. Data without context can be dangerous. At Horizons, you’ll learn how business process intelligence platforms allow you to monitor, analyze and optimize not just your data but also your operational business processes, enabling you to increase compliance, minimize risk and provide unprecedented insights that help you achieve operational excellence.
  1. Streamlining Document Retention. Your legal team has questions? We have answers. Learn how the ECM solution you’re already using in your back office can scale rapidly across your entire enterprise to manage the retention and disposition of stored documents according to the predefined business rules you need for each document type.
  1. It’s Miguel’s Last Hurrah. After 24 years with Hyland, the original creator of OnBase and current CTO, Miguel Zubizarreta, has announced his retirement. Miguel plans to focus on his family, travel and philanthropic endeavors. But before he starts drinking fruity drinks on the beach, he promised to come to Horizons 2016 as our closing Keynote Speaker to cast his vision for OnBase, ECM and the future of enterprise technology.
  1. Nothing Is More Expensive Than a Missed Opportunity. Seriously, this is a rare opportunity. The cost of doing nothing in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape far exceeds the cost of change. Give us a day and we’ll give you the insights to understand how to leverage modern technology to get and stay ahead of your competition.
  1. You Have My Word. I promise. At KeyMark, we have built a reputation on being knowledgeable, trustworthy and responsive. These are the values that allow us to attract such a stellar presenter and attendee list. You have my word that it will be worth your time. If you have any doubts, please feel free to call me directly at 864-343-0500 Ext 302.

For more details about Horizons or to register,  you can visit our Horizons Website. I hope to see you there!

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