Scan, Store, Retrieve

How to Avoid a Chaotic Close

How to Avoid a Chaotic Close Augmenting the accounts payable process with automated document management can impact the ENTIRETY of your AP department from clerk, to manager, to CFO. See our infographic to learn how automating AP today saves time, improves efficiency, and positively impacts the bottom line.

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Falcon Transportable Workstation Spec Sheet

The Falcon Transportable is a document scanning workstation designed for mobile scanning operation. It combines OPEX’s one-step drop feed technology with the performance of a high-capacity scanner to enhance great functionality with the power of mobility. By minimizing prep time, paper handling, and other manual tasks, the Falcon Transportable improves

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Your Guide to a Total Solution

Intelligent Automation: Your Guide to a Total Solution Intelligent automation solutions reform your business processes and catapult your organization to the winner’s circle. By utilizing IA for case management solutions, data capture capabilities, optical care resolution (OCR) and robotic process automation (RPA), your organization operates with more agility by allowing

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5 Reasons to Automate Now

Digital transformation is simple to implement and can greatly improve productivity, efficiency and improve your bottom line. The combined advantages of automation quickly return initial investments and can give your organization the competitive edge it needs. Learn 5 reasons to automate your processes now – not later – with this

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CloudCapture BPO Logo

CloudCapture Integration and Security Brochure

As keepers of data, KeyMark understands the extreme importance of data security. Which is why KeyMark’s on-premise business process outsourcing (BPO) solution using CloudCapture technology is fast, accurate, and deployed securely using firewall, virus protection and a direct TCP port connection. Learn more ways CloudCapture can transform your data with

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Local Government ECM

Paperless Plan Review to Reality

Creating a method for developers, builders, and local governments to have easy access and visibility to important building or site plans is a crucial step in ensuring cost efficiency and collaboration. Too much paper is cumbersome and expensive, but through the right paperless enterprise content management solution, everyone can save

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Hyperautomation eBook

Transform Your Business With Hyperautomation While Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has enhanced efficiencies by lifting mundane tasks and processes from the shoulders of critical thinkers, it still presents limitations in scaling to fit the needs and individuality of every department. But by combining an arsenal of advanced digital tools including

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Simplify your Enterprise Information Management with OnBase

eBook: Simplify your Enterprise Information Management with OnBase. Enterprise information management solutions shouldn’t be one-size fits all. Which is why OnBase produces a tailored-made approach to information management that meets unique needs through a suite of modular solutions. Whether you are in need of powerful software to capture, manage or

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Support Overview Brochure 2021

Support Options for 2021! Our Support Philosophy is built on ensuring your organization has the tools it needs to keep your system running reliably and at peak efficiency. Without proper maintenance, solutions can become unstable, and without service, simple problems can sometimes escalate causing system failures and downtime. By using KeyMark’s Support Program,

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Automation Buzzwords Demystified

The year is 1967. Film makers Patterson-Gimlin are shooting a film alongside Bluff Creek in Northern California. Across the creek, film makers claim to have caught a big, hairy half-ape, half-human walking through the woods. It looks over at the camera mid-stride and cements itself into global pop-culture lore for

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