Tag: maintenance


Your Kofax AP System Needs a “Tune-Up!”

Like Many Systems, Kofax KTM Requires Maintenance Just as a yard needs regular upkeep, ongoing maintenance on your Kofax accounts-payable invoice solution is strongly encouraged. Because of constant changes to the invoices you receive, your invoice processing is not a “set it and forget it” system, so don’t let it

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Basic OnBase Database Maintenance for SQL Server

There are as many different ways to use OnBase as there are customers who use it, but there are a few things every OnBase system has in common. The most basic, and the most critical, is the database. Your OnBase database is your backbone How your database functions will directly

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Love OnBase Like You Love Your Car

Why did you buy the car you currently drive? Was it the good gas mileage? Was it the manufacturer’s reputation for durability? Was it the luxury features or technology? Was it seating capacity or towing capability? More likely than not, it was a good value for a particular combination of

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OnBase Security Tips

We live in an age of internet connectivity, which perforce means we live in an age of internet attacks. The news is full of stories of security breaches and stolen information. Your OnBase solution contains important and often sensitive data, much of which may require strenuous security measures for compliance.

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Six Important Ideas for KeyMark Customers

Hello everyone! I hope you are already enjoying a beautiful fall with family and friends. There is so much going on that I wanted to share a few thoughts and hopefully help us all thrive in the future. So, here we go, the six important things on my mind today:

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