OnBase Diamond Support

6 Considerations Before Upgrading OnBase

OnBase is like a beautiful sports car – it’s fast, powerful and capable of taking you from point A to point B comfortably, securely and quickly. But even the finest sports car needs routine maintenance from time to time, and OnBase is no different. Without upgrading OnBase to the latest

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OnBase Support: Workflow Logs

OnBase Support: Workflow Logs The Workflow log is a history of the actions and activities that occur in Workflow.  The information is stored in a database table called wflog.   This table contains a record of all Workflow actions performed on a document as well as a record of the Workflow queues

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OnBase Support: Transaction Logs

What Are OnBase Transaction Logs? To access the transaction log in OnBase, select the Admin tab >> Transaction Logs.  From here you will have the option to Create a Report, View all Messages, or Purge Messages. The OnBase transaction log keeps a record of all events associated with the OnBase

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OnBase Document and Folder Maintenance

OnBase Support: Document & Folder Maintenance As an OnBase system administrator, you are probably familiar with Document Maintenance. With projects and deadlines, the routine tasks that ensure proper document maintenance can easily fall through the cracks, but these OnBase maintenance best practices are crucial to keeping your system working effectively

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