OnBase WorkView Software Solutions

Simplify the Tough Stuff with WorkView

A Customizable Tool for Case, Contract, Vendor Management and More

WorkView is a point-and-click, low-code process solution builder providing OnBase users with the power to develop answers for their individualized needs.

onbase workview software solution providers

How do non-generic processes frustrate your success?​

Whether you’re working on a case, contract, or process involving lots of variable data, integrating tools that heighten efficiency is challenging. As a result, individuals will try different solutions in attempts to remedy the problem, including:

It could be costing you in unexpected ways:


IT is a busy department, often with a congested pipeline. Relying on your internal IT team to program a custom solution that requires frequent changes is a cumbersome task that slows everyone down.

Compliance Risks

We all have our methods of madness and organization. But things tend to get lost when data is stored in disjointed silos and spreadsheets, and that’s a significant compliance risk!

Efficiency & Revenue Leaks

That outdated software a predecessor developed may achieve some of what you need it to do, but at a high opportunity cost. Unsupported, it will eventually become obsolete, leaving you at square one.

When Does Workview Work Best?

Work Smarter, 

Not Harder


Track, report, and capture data and documents in a central interface


Collaborate, review, approve, and route items​


Conquer ever-changing data-driven processes​​

onbase workview product overview download

Download the WorkView Product Overview

Get more information, including in-app imagery of the WorkView software.

Create Quick Homespun Solutions to Improve:

Human Resources
Accounting and Finance
Information Technology
Customer Service
robotic process automation solution providers
onbase workview software resources

When Does WorkView Work Best?

WorkView can be leveraged to help users quickly replace a previous system build, mainframe, Access Database, or disjointed spreadsheets — but is it the right fit for everyone, particularly among non-OnBase users? Not necessarily.

Do Even More with WorkView through FLEX

Oftentimes, WorkView objects rely on a dynamic multi-step approval process for conditional routing, which may be hard to account for with standard OnBase Workflow.  KeyMark Labs is able to solve this issue with our introduction of FLEX, allowing administrators and power users to configure and update routing of WorkView objects effectively.

onbase workview object automation
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