Zach Loftis

Support Engineer

Connect with Zach

About Zach

Team Member Since 2019

Zach is a highly experienced Support Engineer with an extensive education and work history in the Computer Science field. Following his graduation from Southern Wesleyan University, Zach joined the Easley Police Department as a Jailer/Dispatcher. He left the Police Department and joined KeyMark team in 2019 where he is currently responsible for assisting customers with OnBase issues.

Things you should know about Matt:

  • I have a vast collection of Movies and TV Shows.
  • I’m an avid fan of Warhammer Tabletop.
  • I beat Jim Wanner at Ping-Pong.

Q&A with Zach

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

John Carpenter. He directed “The Thing” which is my favorite film.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I enjoy reading, PC gaming, playing Warhammer tabletop and Magic the Gathering.

If you could go anywhere, right now, for 5 days all expenses paid, where would it be?

Tokyo, Japan

If you had to recommend on restaurant to everyone, what would it be?

Hachi Express in Central, SC.