Daniel Bomfim

Senior Solutions Architect

Connect with Daniel

About Daniel

Following his graduation from UNC-Charlotte with a degree in Finance, Daniel served in several roles in the accounting department at HMS Host. Eventually joining the IT team as an IT Project Manager traveling around the country in that capacity.  In his career, Daniel has worked for RealTime Intelligence, Konica Minolta, and Atrium Healthcare in various IT roles supporting OnBase and Document Management

Things you should know about Daniel:

  1. He was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  2. He has a multi-language family. Daniel speaks Portuguese, his spouse speaks Hmong, his daughter speaks French, and son speaks German.
  3. He got engaged in Paris, and married in the Amalfi Coast, Italy

Q&A with Daniel

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Bill Gates, would love to talk about his initiatives around the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What’s the most unusual place you have visited?

Fernando de Noronha, google it and go!

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

Travel, Soccer, Rock Climbing, Scuba Diving, and home remodeling

If you could go anywhere, right now, for 5 days all expenses paid, where would it be?

Climb and camp at Mt. Kilimanjaro

What is your favorite quote, and why?

“Trust is like a fine piece of china, once broken can be repaired but will never be the same.”
Integrity and Trust are the foundations for a good relationship in your personal life as well as business.

At age 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Fighter Pilot, was on my way to becoming one, but my eyesight did not want to cooperate.

If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Bali, in one of the huts above the water.