KeyMark Brand Style Guide

A Brand is a Reason to Choose

The KeyMark Brand Style Guide

Sure, we provide solutions that help our customers automate their processes, but even more than that, we love solving problems and making information easy. At #TeamKeyMark, we are a collection of analysts, coders, project managers and creative problem solvers who leverage technology to empower productivity on behalf of our customers. And that expertise begins with our brand – so we live it inside out. Every day we wake up increase productivity, decrease costs and minimize compliance risks. These are the reasons that customers choose KeyMark. This Brand Style Guide is a collection of verbal and visual elements that deliver the KeyMark Promise – Knowledgeable, Trustworthy and Responsive. They will help us consistently represent KeyMark to our employees, customers, prospects and those that we touch in our local communities. If you have questions about the KeyMark brand, its meaning, or its usage, please contact our Marketing Department.

Now, go forth and power productivity.
